Becoming a Member
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We are always looking for people interested in joining our club.

Who Can Join?

We invite anybody with an interest in English Setters to join. Members should be able to dedicate enough time to participate in the club's events.

Benefits of Joining

There are several benefits to becoming a member of our club. Our members are close friends and we have a great time when we get together. Of course we also have an interest in the English Setter and the vast experience of our membership - some members have over 50 years of experience with raising and training this breed - is invaluable to the new English Setter enthusiast. Interested in performance events for you and your Setter? We have members who participate regularly in agility, obedience and hunt tests and are happy to help you get started in these events.

How Can You Join?

To join we need a completed application and attendance at three monthly meetings. Upon acceptance of your application membership dues are $12 per year for a single membership or $16 per year for a couples membership.
If you would like an application or have questions please email Kathy at ezeerider@msn.com.
