The June meeting was called to order at 8:10 PM at the home of Michelle Vibonese, by President Ray Hunt, with 8 members
present. Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Wayne Welker said he updated CD’s, Michelle Vibonese moved to accept the Treasurer’s
Report, seconded by Jackie Hunt, motion carried.
Old Business:Specialty: Publicity: Michelle said trophies are all set for summer show. She passed around a copy of
a flier she has sent out via e-mail to people on a list given to her by Nancy Edgehouse. She also did a full-page black-and-white
ad to appear in the ESAA newsletter. Hospitality: Helen Harris said she has ordered the chicken for our specialty luncheon.
There was some discussion regarding the volume of entries we could expect. Ann Yuhasz said she has not noticed much of a decline
in the number of entries at dog shows.
Hunt Test: Kathy Bash said so far she has only one judge, and Smoke Rise Kennel has not responded to our request for use
of their facility on November 15th, but she will check back with them.
New Business: Michelle said we have had 436 hits on our web site. She has referred puppy requests to Helen and to Pat
Herring, and helped someone place a dog.
The next meeting will be July 17th, at Ann and Ray Yuhasz’s home. It will be a potluck, so bring a dish
to share. We will start at 6:30 PM. Helen has a program for this meeting.
Brag Box:
Ann told us that granddaughter Elizabeth will be 5 years old on Friday the 19th, and Glinda
is now a champion and goes to England by way of Amsterdam, in October.
Michelle said Luke and she survived the taping of a TV show, "Animal Crackers". She has also graduated from
grooming school. Luke finished his 3rd leg of JH and Geist is being trained for Master Hunter title.
Helen said Marnie had her puppies, one boy and one girl. They are blues, and this is the "P" litter.
Wayne told us he had shoulder surgery in May, and is healing nicely.
Michelle made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:15, Jackie seconded, motion carried.
Refreshments and doggie gossip followed.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Bash, Secretary